Deligny begins a new endeavor with autistic children. Maud Mannoni, Françoise Dolto and Émile Monnerot (head of psychiatry at the Marseille psychiatric hospital) refer to him the first children. Jacques Lin takes up residency in Graniers, where Janmari remains. Other children live in Monoblet. This is the original network. The..Read More


Publication of Cahiers de la Fgéri, in which Deligny formulates the principles of a treatment network for autistic children. He declines Guattari’s invitation to participate in the events of May 1968.


On July 14, Deligny leaves La Borde and takes up residence at Gourgas, within a property owned by Félix Guattari that had been transformed into a meeting place for far-left intellectuals and militants. Deligny writes pamphlets against the Vietnam War.


Jean Oury and Félix Guattari invite Deligny and his collaborators to join La Borde. In 1966, Jean-Mari J. “Janmari,” diagnosed with “grave encephalopathy” is entrusted to Deligny.


Publication of Adrien Lomme. François Truffaut seeks Deligny to design the final scenes from the script of Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows), his first full-length and recipient of the prize for best director in the 1959 Cannes Film Festival. The beginning of a correspondence –and several attempted film..Read More


Deligny begins to correspond with Irène Lézine, a psychologist, PCF militant, and the author of a biography on Anton Sémionovitch Makarenko. Deligny plans a film about the experience at Grande Cordée (although only a few sequences are filmed). Since 1948 the network has received 134 adolescents and would remain in operation –precariously–..Read More


Publication of Les Enfants ont des oreilles. Due to lack of resources, the Grande Cordée reduces its activities in 1953. Deligny begins to compose Adrien Lomme.


The statutes of the Grande Cordée, presided over by Henri Wallon, are published. The administrative council is composed of communist militants. The first adolescents are entrusted to the institution. Deligny joins the PCF (French Communist Party), sending his enrollment card to Maurice Thorez (secretary general of the PCF between 1940..Read More


Hugette Dumoulin organizes the Union des Jeunes Filles de France du Nord. In the spring, Dumoulin and Deligny stage a show in Paris at the Arènes de Lutèce, using textile apprentices as actors. Deligny designs an attention network for juvenile offenders, with the help of militants of popular education and..Read More


Publication of Puissants personnages, dedicated to Catherine, the daughter of Deligny and Josette born the year prior. In May the directorship of Arsea relieves Deligny of his duties. He goes on to run a training course for educators in Montesson (Yvelines), but shortly afterward asks to be separated from the..Read More


Deligny is named director of the first Center of Observation and Triage (COT) in the North region, in Lille. He designs the center (with 80 adolescents) as an open space and hires assistants from among trade-union, working class, and unemployed milieus. Many adolescents fleeing from correctional homes seek refuge at..Read More