II Fernand Deligny International Conference: Poetic Gestures and Transversal Political Practices

The name Fernand Deligny [1913-1996], traditionally associated with postwar psychopedagogical experiments in postwar France, is today the object of rediscovery in the arts, anthropology, education, philosophy, and clinical practice. With this II International Conference…[Link -> The name Fernand Deligny [1913-1996], traditionally associated with postwar psychopedagogical experiments in postwar France, is today the object of rediscovery in the arts, anthropology, education, philosophy, and clinical practice. With this II International Conference, which builds on the Conference held in 2016, we will focus in particular on the articulation between clinical and artistic practices, and the way in which this articulation is able to question the prevailing social norms. Far from specialized pedagogy or art therapy, Deligny’s proposals are true collective experiments with a remarkable sociopolitical scope. Extremely relevant today, they call on us to think about micropolitical strategies in the face of the urgencies of our time.

The event, therefore, proposes to relaunch Deligny’s gesture, which, for over 50 years, has attempted to encounter difference through transversal practices, implying other ways of weaving networks and letting ourselves be entangled, new wefts in which other ways of living, other modes of existence and coexistence become possible. The experimental dimension, central to his thought and practice, seeks above all the invention of contexts and environments that provide spatial and collective reconfigurations, through tools such as maps, cameras, objects, and installations.

Although Deligny’s attempts are situated geographically, historically, and politically, the meeting seeks to reactivate his proposals for the construction of an environment capable of renewing common practices. His poetic, political, and constructive gesture thus renews, in the present day, the power to open space and fabricate breaches in the midst of and against the annihilation we are living.

The Meeting is the result of Franco-Brazilian cooperation and of the project La tentative Deligny [ École Universitaire de Recherche ArTeC, Universities Paris 8 and Paris Nanterre ], as well as nascent collaboration with researchers from other Latin American countries and Germany. For its realization, we will occupy a network of places in Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio, Escola de Cinema Darcy Ribeiro, Casa Jangada, Casa 69 and Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR.

Organizing Committee

Maria Alice Poppe [ UFRJ ]

Marlon Miguel [ ICI Berlin ]

Tania Rivera [ UFF ]

Mauricio Rocha [ PUC Rio ]

Scientific Committee

Bernardo Carvalho Oliveira [ UFRJ ]

Catherine Perret [ Université Paris 8 ]

Eduardo Passos [ UFF ]

Elena Vogman [ IKKM Weimar/ Kunsthochschule Weißensee ]

Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc [ Université Paris 8 ]

Hervé Joubert-Laurencin [ Université Paris Nanterre ]

Luiz Eduardo Aragon [ PUC-SP ]

Marlon Miguel [ ICI Berlin ] 

Maurício Rocha [ PUC-Rio ]

Noelle Coelho Resende

Pascal Sévérac [ Université de Paris-Est Créteil ]

Peter Pal Pelbart [ PUC-SP ]

Pierre Macherey [ Université Lille Nord de France-Campus Lille III ]

Pierre-François Moreau [ École Normale Supérieure de Lyon ]

Sandra Alvarez de Toledo [ Éditions L’Arachnéen ]



PUC-Rio, Auditorium B8 – Frings Wing [ Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea ]

2 PM Opening

3 PM / 4 PM Political Deligny – Moderated by Maria Alice Poppe

Bernardo Oliveira and Maurício Rocha: “Sound Agonistics: on the pedagogical value of silence –notes on schizo-pedagogy, experience, training and sound revolt.”

Ana Laura García: “Latin American Deligny: the power of a situated recovery of his thought and the challenges that this construction poses.”

16h30 / 17h50 Ethnographic Attempts – Moderator: Ana Laura García

Asun Pié Balaguer: “The insurrection of vulnerability”

Adriana Frant: “Happy Tropics”

Sônia Regina da Luz Matos and Andressa Vieira: “Wandering around Dante Alighieri Square: an epiphany”

6:20 pm / 7:20 pm Unadapted childhood – Moderated by Maurício Rocha

Michael Pouteyo: “From the great reportage to the novel of education: how to write childhood? [1920-1960]”

Diego Silva Balerio: “Adolescence, educational practice and cartographic subjectivation: a manifesto against the moralism of a rotten social order.”

20h / 21h Potencies of silence – Moderated by Adriana Frant

Pedro Almeida: Contributions to a clinic with the real

Noelle Resende and Eduardo Passos: Silence as a clinical-political bet on care


Escola de Cinema Darcy Ribeiro [ Rua da Alfândega, 5 – Centro ].

Room 14, 3rd floor and Ruy Guerra Room

10am Speech-performance [ Room 14, 3rd floor ]

Vagabond Approximations, with Maria Alice Poppe and Laura Samy

11am / 1pm Cinema and experimentation – moderated by Martin Molina [Room 14, 3rd floor]

Olivia Pires Coelho; Rafael Limongelli; Silvio Gallo: “INCURABLE – normopathologizing young bodies and decolonizing childhood.”

Gabriela Guarnieri Tebet; Wenceslao Machado de Oliveira Jr; Meiry Soares da Costa Pereira: “BABIES, CHILDREN AND CAMERA BODIES: Rotating Geographies and cartographic experimentations with Fernand Deligny”

Stéphane Privat: “A “Deligny problem” posed to the cinema”

Cezar Migliorin: “Cinema, clinic and mafuá”

2h30 pm / 4h Conference and debate [ Sala Ruy Guerra ]

Deligny and Glauber: an attempt at dialogue without words, with Hervé Joubert-Laurencin and Marianne Dautray

16h30 / 18h30 Workshop – presentation and discussion of film and photographic archives [ Ruy Guerra Room ]

Viewing points: images of the network in the Cévennes to the ethnographic film test, with Marina Vidal-Naquet and Martin Molina


Casa Jangada [ Rua General Cornélio de Barros, 5 – Botafogo]

Casa 69 [ Travessa Visconde de Morais, 69 – Botafogo ]

10:30am Presentation of Casa Jangada

Jangada Collective

11h / 12h30 For another possible clinic – Moderation: Eduardo Passos [ Casa Jangada ]

Mariana Louver: “Care, creation and common: experimenting with rafts”

Williana Louzada: “Brazilian public mental health as clinical-political resistance”

12h30 / 14h00 Lunch together at Casa Jangada

2 PM / 3:30 PM Clinical Trials – Moderated by Tania Rivera [ Casa Jangada ]

Gina Ferreira: “Lend me your eyes”

Lula Wanderley: “The Silence that Words Keep”

Hélia Borges: “A Rose, the stroke before the letter, the babble before the word” (the before-verbal)

16h / 16h40 Sound performance [ Casa Jangada ]

Sound, with Bernardo Oliveira and Lucas Pires

17h15 Cartographic Parade Casa Jangada > Casa 69

18h / 18h45 Workshop [ Casa 69 ]

The Cartographic Practice of the Net in the Cévennes, with Maria Alice Poppe and Marlon Miguel

19h15 / 20h15 Workshop [ Casa 69 ]

The museum-workshop of reference objects, with Florian Fouché

20h30 / 21h10 Performance [ Casa 69 ]

About what falls and what I can’t say, with Claudia Millás, directed by Guilherme Mattos


Rio Museum of Art – MAR [Praça Mauá, 5 – Center]

10am/13pm Art Discussion Circle [Room 2.2] (based on the question: “what is an art object?,” the artists participating in the event, young artists invited and participants of the ateliers of the mental health institutions Casa Jangada and Casa Verde will bring objects to exchange ideas with the public)

11am/13pm [Room 3.3] Sound-Spatial Proposition

with Tato Taborda

2pm [Meeting Room] Performance

with Lídia Larangeira

3pm [Room 2.2] Artistic-political propositions

with Coletivo Nicaragua and Ricardo Basbaum

4pm [Room 2.2] Attempts in images – moderation: Marlon Miguel

Elena Vogman: “Escaping the Labyrinth. Icarus, Field Forces and Spider Webs in Kurt Lewin and Fernand Deligny”

Peter Pal Pelbart: “Against the Limits of Language, the Ethics of the Image”

Tania Rivera: “Deligny and Art”

Refreshments (Rua Pedro Ernesto, 5 – Gamboa)

6:30pm Launching of n-1 editions and open conversation with the Editor Sementes de crápula (Fernand Deligny), Ritornelo (Félix Guattari), O clarão de Espinosa (Romain Rolland), Capitalismo ou revolução? (Maurizio Lazzarato), Afrotopia (Felwine Sarr), Counterculture: between fun and experimentation (Celso Favaretto), Around Lautréamont (Laymert Garcia dos Santos), The celibate machines (Michel Carrouges), Rupture (anonymous group Spark), Essays on the uncanny (Peter Pál Pelbart).

9pm Closing party (location to be announced)