Erratic Lines – October 29-30, 2019
Sesc Research and Training Center – R. Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285 – 4th floor – Bela Vista, São Paulo
This cycle of conferences intends to bring to light certain “wandering figures” that deviate from the hegemonic and instituted ways of existing, creating, caring and living together, inventing themselves in other ways than that which limits, encloses or excludes. These are figures that develop life-preserving initiatives within a movement of creation, variation, and multiplicity.
In Latin, Errare means: to wander, roam, travel, walk, venture, get lost, drift, deviate from the path. Through a cycle of conferences gathered under the motto of errancy, we intend to dialogue with the idea of non-domesticated lines that escape or deviate from ends primacy and that instead venture, provoking trepidations and displacements. Creative deviations that till the supposed space of the “non-place” so that inventions and new ways of existing, inhabiting, creating, caring, and living together can surface.
Information and program here